East Riding Leisure Centre Bridlington

East Riding Leisure Centre, Bridlington

Making a Splash – Metsec Provides SFS Infill Walling for East Riding Leisure Centre Bridlington.


Light gauge structural steel specialist, voestalpine Metsec plc, has provided invaluable design work and its innovative SFS infill walling as part of the redevelopment of East Riding Leisure Centre Bridlington. When construction commenced in 2015, the flagship project marked the start of regeneration work in the area.

Opened in May 2016, the new £25 million development offers a 25m, 6 lane swimming pool, learner pool with adjustable floor, leisure pool with play structure & flumes, a health suite, multi-purpose gym facilities, exercise studio, a climbing wall, and squash courts, which meet Sport England Club standards.

In 2013, Metsec was invited to contribute to development work at the early stages of the design process, along with the East Riding Council Architecture Department, and the BAM Construction team. When Brebur secured the installation contract, Metsec was then appointed to complete the SFS design – a testament to the company’s detailed design work, knowledge of the scheme and close working relationship with the installer.

The designs for the leisure complex included a tiered rendered façade on the upper floor of the building that required twin wall elevations. Metsec designed and supplied dual layer SFS walls to meet the architect’s vision for the project. Metsec also utilised BIM to produce 3D models and project drawings, which assisted in the construction of the leisure complex including the distinctive exterior features.

Furthermore, Metsec’s phased delivery of materials ensured the components arrived on-site to suit the build programme, meaning the need for on-site storage was kept to a minimum.

Tommy Burke, Director at Brebur Ltd commented:
“We’re very happy with the SFS infill walling system, and the level of design and technical support provided by the Metsec team. In addition, the use of BIM throughout the project enabled Metsec to deliver a value engineered solution that provided cost certainty and helped the project team to de-risk the construction process.”

Stephen Ginger, Managing Director of Metsec Purlins & Framing commented:
“We’re thrilled to have been able to support BAM and East Riding Council on what is a flagship project for the area of Bridlington. The early development work we did on the project allowed us to build up a solid knowledge of the scheme and a strong relationship with the installer, Brebur. We believe the end results demonstrate what can be achieved when a project delivery team are engaged at the earliest possible stage.”

Nick Railer, Senior Architectural Technician – East Riding of Yorkshire Council Architects commented: “Metsec Technical Support provided invaluable guidance at key stages of the design process to ensure our vision of the sweeping curved and tiered rendered façade, a dominant feature to the main elevations, was achieved on this flagship project.”

Take a look at Metsec’s SFS Infill Walling Solutions