Mezzanine Floor Component Dimensions, Piercings and Properties

Mezzanine Floor Component Dimensions, Piercings And Properties

Section reference

The section reference of a M-section 232mm deep and 1.8mm thick = 232 M 18. The first 3 digits of the section reference indicate the depth of the section in millimetres (i.e. 232 equals 232mm deep).

The fourth digit is a letter that signifies the profile type (i.e. M for M-section). The last two digits indicate the material thickness (i.e. 18 equals 1.8mm).

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c section profile

Section Depth mm A mm L mm
142 41 13
150 45 13
165 47.5 14
172 – 202 51 13
232 – 262 51 13
302 – 342 51 18
Nominal Dimensions Section Properties
142 M 13 2.85 3.63 142 60 1.3 119.0 17.6 16.76 4.18 5.69 2.19 7.10 1.80 6.022 1.882
142 M 14 3.06 3.90 142 60 1.4 127.7 18.8 17.99 4.48 5.68 2.18 7.10 1.80 6.790 2.016
142 M 15 3.28 4.17 142 60 1.5 136.4 20.1 19.22 4.77 5.68 2.18 7.10 1.80 7.566 2.148
142 M 16 3.49 4.44 142 60 1.6 145.1 21.3 20.44 5.06 5.67 2.17 7.10 1.80 8.341 2.279
142 M 18 3.90 4.97 142 60 1.8 162.2 23.7 22.85 5.63 5.67 2.16 7.10 1.80 9.862 2.535
142 M 20 4.32 5.50 142 60 2.0 179.1 26.0 25.23 6.19 5.66 2.16 7.10 1.80 11.315 2.787
150 M 15 3.28 4.17 150 56 1.5 148.2 17.2 19.76 4.31 5.92 2.02 7.50 1.60 7.897 1.941
150 M 20 4.32 5.50 150 56 2.0 194.6 22.3 25.94 5.59 5.89 2.00 7.50 1.60 11.626 2.515
165 M 15 3.73 4.76 165 67 1.5 208.5 28.2 25.27 5.94 6.58 2.42 8.25 1.95 9.213 2.672
165 M 20 4.93 6.28 165 67 2.0 274.2 36.7 33.24 7.73 6.56 2.40 8.25 1.95 14.218 3.477
172 M 13 3.26 4.15 172 65 1.3 194.7 22.7 22.64 4.83 6.81 2.32 8.60 1.81 7.507 2.174
172 M 14 3.50 4.46 172 65 1.4 209.1 24.3 24.32 5.18 6.81 2.32 8.60 1.81 8.505 2.330
172 M 15 3.75 4.77 172 65 1.5 223.5 25.9 25.98 5.52 6.80 2.31 8.60 1.81 9.523 2.484
172 M 16 3.99 5.08 172 65 1.6 237.7 27.5 27.64 5.86 6.80 2.31 8.60 1.81 10.552 2.636
172 M 18 4.47 5.69 172 65 1.8 266.0 30.6 30.93 6.52 6.79 2.30 8.60 1.81 12.607 2.935
172 M 20 4.94 6.30 172 65 2.0 294.0 33.6 34.18 7.17 6.78 2.29 8.60 1.81 14.610 3.228
172 M 23 5.65 7.20 172 65 2.3 335.3 38.1 38.99 8.13 6.76 2.28 8.60 1.81 17.466 3.656
172 M 25 6.11 7.79 172 65 2.5 362.5 41.0 42.16 8.74 6.75 2.27 8.60 1.82 19.278 3.934
202 M 13 3.57 4.54 202 65 1.3 282.9 23.8 28.01 4.91 7.85 2.28 10.10 1.66 8.862 2.209
202 M 14 3.83 4.88 202 65 1.4 303.9 25.4 30.09 5.26 7.85 2.27 10.10 1.66 10.076 2.367
202 M 15 4.10 5.22 202 65 1.5 324.8 27.1 32.16 5.61 7.84 2.27 10.10 1.66 11.312 2.523
202 M 16 4.36 5.56 202 65 1.6 345.6 28.8 34.22 5.95 7.84 2.26 10.10 1.66 12.560 2.678
202 M 18 4.89 6.23 202 65 1.8 386.9 32.0 38.31 6.63 7.83 2.25 10.10 1.66 15.052 2.982
202 M 20 5.41 6.90 202 65 2.0 427.8 35.2 42.36 7.29 7.82 2.24 10.10 1.67 17.487 3.280
202 M 23 6.19 7.89 202 65 2.3 488.4 39.9 48.35 8.26 7.80 2.23 10.10 1.67 20.986 3.716
202 M 27 7.21 9.19 202 65 2.7 567.7 45.9 56.20 9.50 7.78 2.21 10.10 1.67 25.405 4.274
232 M 14 4.16 5.30 232 65 1.4 420.9 26.4 36.28 5.32 8.87 2.22 11.60 1.54 11.556 2.396
232 M 15 4.45 5.67 232 65 1.5 449.9 28.2 38.79 5.68 8.86 2.22 11.60 1.54 13.022 2.555
232 M 16 4.74 6.04 232 65 1.6 478.8 29.9 41.28 6.03 8.86 2.21 11.60 1.54 14.499 2.711
232 M 18 5.32 6.77 232 65 1.8 536.3 33.3 46.23 6.71 8.85 2.20 11.60 1.54 17.448 3.020
232 M 20 5.89 7.50 232 65 2.0 593.1 36.6 51.13 7.38 8.83 2.19 11.60 1.54 20.340 3.322
232 M 23 6.73 8.58 232 65 2.3 677.5 41.4 58.40 8.36 8.82 2.18 11.60 1.55 24.524 3.763
232 M 25 7.29 9.29 232 65 2.5 733.0 44.6 63.19 9.00 8.81 2.17 11.60 1.55 27.220 4.049
262 M 15 4.81 6.12 262 65 1.5 600.8 29.1 45.86 5.73 9.86 2.17 13.10 1.43 14.612 2.580
262 M 16 5.12 6.52 262 65 1.6 639.5 30.8 48.82 6.09 9.85 2.16 13.10 1.43 16.330 2.739
262 M 18 5.74 7.31 262 65 1.8 716.4 34.3 54.69 6.78 9.84 2.15 13.10 1.43 19.760 3.050
262 M 20 6.36 8.10 262 65 2.0 792.7 37.8 60.51 7.46 9.83 2.15 13.10 1.44 23.134 3.356
262 M 23 7.27 9.27 262 65 2.3 905.8 42.7 69.15 8.45 9.82 2.13 13.10 1.44 28.047 3.801
262 M 25 7.88 10.04 262 65 2.5 980.4 46.0 74.84 9.09 9.80 2.12 13.10 1.44 31.231 4.091
262 M 29 9.08 11.57 262 65 2.9 1127.6 52.2 86.08 10.33 9.78 2.10 13.10 1.45 37.436 4.650
302 M 18 7.10 9.04 302 88 1.8 1228.5 84.4 81.36 12.66 11.60 3.04 15.10 2.14 25.256 5.698
302 M 20 7.86 10.02 302 88 2.0 1360.3 93.0 90.09 13.97 11.59 3.03 15.10 2.14 30.351 6.285
302 M 23 9.01 11.47 302 88 2.3 1556.4 105.8 103.07 15.89 11.58 3.02 15.10 2.14 38.110 7.149
302 M 25 9.76 12.44 302 88 2.5 1686.0 114.1 111.65 17.14 11.57 3.01 15.10 2.14 43.246 7.713
302 M 29 11.27 14.35 302 88 2.9 1942.4 130.3 128.63 19.59 11.55 2.99 15.10 2.15 53.219 8.816
342 M 20 8.49 10.82 342 88 2.0 1826.8 96.1 106.83 14.11 12.93 2.97 17.10 1.99 34.212 6.351
342 M 23 9.73 12.39 342 88 2.3 2090.8 109.3 122.27 16.05 12.92 2.95 17.10 1.99 43.256 7.224
342 M 25 10.55 13.44 342 88 2.5 2265.4 117.9 132.48 17.32 12.91 2.94 17.10 2.00 49.248 7.795
342 M 27 11.37 14.48 342 88 2.7 2438.8 126.3 142.62 18.57 12.90 2.93 17.10 2.00 55.149 8.357
342 M 30 12.58 16.03 342 88 3.0 2696.9 138.8 157.71 20.41 12.88 2.92 17.10 2.00 63.794 9.183